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Pounder Vegetable Garden

This garden showcases ways to garden in earth-friendly and home-friendly ways. Specialty beds include plants that attract insects for pollination and natural pest control, plants that improve soil health, ornamental edibles, easy to grow vegetable varieties, edible fruits and plants paired to increase crop productivity.

Part of this garden is dedicated to the Climate Change Garden, which demonstrates how a changing climate affects the plants we grow. A high tunnel located here creates a warmer environment that enables visitors to compare the growth of the same plants growing inside and outside. This garden provides a place for people to see for themselves how plants are affected by differences in growing conditions, primarily temperature and precipitatin, and start to think about how they can adapt their gardens so they continue to thrive.

As part of Plantations' Environmental Education Program for Sustainability (PEEPS), local teens help care for this garden, which teaches environmentally-friendly gardening skills and explores solutions to environmental challenges.

History Happened Here
The shed adjoining this garden is where Nobel Prize-winning plant geneticist Barbara McClintock worked as a Cornell graduate student in the 1920s.

Botanical Garden, south of Plantations Road
Best Season: 

June - September