
Plantations is an extended living museum with a mature botanical garden and arboretum that help make Cornell one of the most beautiful campuses anywhere.

Botanical Garden

Botanical GardenTucked into the Northeast corner of Cornell’s campus, our botanical garden includes spaces for ornamental and practical herbs, heritage vegetables, rhododendrons, perennials, ornamental grasses, a bioswale garden, groundcovers, conifers, containers, and plants with winter interest. Read more

F.R. Newman Arboretum

F.R. Newman ArboretumCollections of maples, oaks, crabapples, conifers, dogwoods, urban trees, nut trees, and others thrive in this beautiful 100-acre arboretum.  Gardens here include a flowering shrub collection, streamside gardens, and overlooks providing breathtaking views of this rolling terrain. Read more

Find a Plant or Memorial

Find a Plant or MemorialFind the location of a plant, living tribute, memorial plaque or bench in our gardens and arboretum. Read more


Take it outside: Explore gardens and natural areas on campus and beyond

Take it outside: Explore gardens and natural areas on campus and beyondLooking for maps for a variety of hiking and running routes around campus along with safe places to swim nearby? Read more

Special Use Policy and Request Form

If you would like to collect plants, conduct other research or are interested in installing art, please submit a Special Use Request Form. Read more