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We're hiring! Apply for the Gardener or Construction Crew Leader Position

6 weeks 5 days ago

Click here for the full job descriptions.



Art exhibit: Mise en place

1 week 4 days ago

View 15 prints at the Nevin Welcome Center inspired by culinary plants created by students of Cornell art professor Greg Page’s “Introduction to Print Media.” Read more

New partnership with The Cornell Store

1 week 4 days ago

We are happy to announce that we have partnered with The Cornell Store to operate Plantations’ Garden Gift Shop. Read more


At the Nevin Welcome Center: Ironwork by Durand Van Doren

4 weeks 4 days ago

Durand Van Doren, artist blacksmith, has been designing beautiful ironwork throughout Cornell Plantations and on the Cornell Campus. Visit this exhibit to view Durand's wrought iron botanical pieces and then take a stroll to view his ironwork in the landscape. Read more

Land protection expands the Fischer Old-Growth Forest preserve

8 weeks 5 days ago

Cornell Plantations recently expanded the Fischer Old-Growth Forest Natural Area in the Town of Newfield through a gift of 17.43 acres. Read more


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