Support Cornell Plantations

From gardens to gorges, everything that we offer at Cornell Plantations is made possible by support from our members and other donors. More than 80% of our operating budget comes from annual gifts, memberships, and endowment income—given by alumni and friends.


MembershipThere's no admission fee at Plantations, so we rely on support from our members and other donors to fund all of our programs.  Join now to support our mission! Read more

Give Now

Give NowYour tax-deductible gift to Plantations will help grow more plants, protect natural areas, and offer programs for people of all ages to reconnect with nature. Read more

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Memorial and Tribute GiftsCelebrate a special occasion or create a permanent memorial for a family member or friend with a gift for a tribute tree or bench. Read more

New Gardens on the Horizon

New Gardens on the HorizonLearn more about our plans for new Peony and Perennial Gardens and the Six Friends East Asian Garden.

Planned Gifts

Planned GiftsWith a bequest or life income agreement, you can create a plan to meet your individual needs, secure your family’s future, and strengthen Plantations—all at the same time. Read more

Volunteer Program

Volunteer ProgramHelp Plantations grow by volunteering to lead tours, work in the gardens or greenhouse, monitor natural areas, or help at special events. Read more