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Contact us about your gift intentions. When you name Cornell Botanic Gardens in your Will or as the beneficiary of another asset, you decide how we should use your support. Of course, an unrestricted gift or a gift to be added to our general endowment will provide the greatest flexibility to meet our future needs. We can assist you in determining how to direct your gift so that it is most meaningful for you, and provide you or your attorney with suggested language. Contact our development officer, Lynn Swain (phone: 607-255-7416), if you would like to explore opportunities to support a specific place or program at the Botanic Gardens.



Create a new Will or trust and include a bequest for Cornell Botanic Gardens, or modify your present Will by adding a codicil.

Sample language

Beneficiary Designation

Include Cornell Botanic Gardens as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance, or investment account. Here is the information you will need:


Cornell Botanic Gardens, Cornell University, Federal Tax ID: 15-0532082
Mailing address: 130 E. Seneca St, Suite 400, Ithaca, NY 14850

Often, the plan documents allow only the name and tax ID for a beneficiary organization. In that case, we typically also draft a Letter of Agreement to ensure that your future gift will be directed to the Botanic Gardens when it is realized. Call 800-481-1865 or e-mail a Cornell gift planning officer if you need assistance in obtaining and filling out the forms provided by your plan administrator.


Notify Botanic Gardens or the Office of Trusts, Estates and Gift Planning about your intentions. This gives us the opportunity to thank you now for your foresight and generosity. You will also be invited to join the Cayuga Society, which honors donors who have made planned gift commitments for Cornell. Of course, we will keep all specific information about your plans entirely confidential.


Provide Botanic Gardens or the Office of Trusts, Estates and Gift Planning with a copy of your Will or beneficiary designation (or the section that references your gift). This will allow us to ensure that your intentions are documented in our records so that your gift will be administered as you intend when it is realized.

Professional Assistance

The gift officers in Cornell’s Office of Trusts, Estates and Gift Planning are charitable planning specialists, and will work closely with you and your advisors to achieve your philanthropic goals. Their services are confidential, collaborative, and provided without cost or obligation.

Office of Trusts, Estates & Gift Planning
Cornell University
130 E Seneca Street, Suite 400
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone: 1-800-481-1865
E-mail: [email protected]

More Information

To explore how your gift can have the most impact at Cornell Botanic Gardens, and in a way that is most beneficial and meaningful for you, please contact Lynn Swain or call 607-255-7416.