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How are the perennials doing?

Friday, June 30, 2017

The perennial plants are also displaying differences between the outside and inside of the high tunnel. Both species of Monarda are much healthier out of the tunnel.  Inside the tunnel, in addition to less vigor, we have noticed aphids on the Monarda dydima that are not present outside. Finally, Penstemon hirsutus flowered much earlier inside the tunnel and has since senesced. 

I have had a fun time planting our display beds in addition to observing the project beds! We have continued last year’s theme for display beds to contain plants that are resistant to drought and may be appropriate for use in the future with the effects of climate change. These plantings also help to frame and separate the Climate Change Garden from the Pounder Vegetable Garden.  At the entrance of the garden to the right, there are multiple shrubs (Caryopteris x clanodensis ‘Beyond Midnight’). The northern display borders consist of a strip of Hylotephium (Sedum) ‘Autumn Joy’, Salvia farinacea ‘Victoria’, Anemone virginiana, a native plant, Nassella tenuissima ‘Ponytails’, and Salvia nemorosa ‘Marcus’. 

The southern border of the garden contains Hylotephium (Sedum) ‘Autumn Joy’, Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Prairie Winds’, Caryopteris x clanodensis ‘Beyond Midnight’, Salvia farinacea ‘Victoria’, Lobelia erinus, and Salvia patens.
In an attempt to guide visitors to the beginning of the self-guided tour, we have situated two planters, narrowing the path at the Southwest corner of the garden. Included in these pots are Strobilanthes dyerianus ‘Persian Shield’, Salvia coahuilensis, Lobelia erinus, and varieties of Coleus. The garden is quickly becoming more interesting, colorful, and beautiful each day!

Come see how the garden has grown for yourself!

(shown left: Symphoricarpos orbiculatus at the entrance of the Climate Change Garden)