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Jennings Crabapple Collection

The crabapple tree’s small stature, showy spring flowers, ornamental fruits, site adaptability, and winter hardiness make it a well-loved tree in upstate New York and a key group of ornamental trees for this region. This relatively new collection of crabapples aims to represent the best cultivars for this region based on disease and insect resistance, flower and fruit characteristics, and general overall reliability. Crabapples are relatively adaptable to most conditions except poor drainage.
As an evaluation garden for the International Ornamental Crabapple Society, the collection includes the core cultivars required by the society.

Click here to view a plant list for this collection (pdf file, 6 pages)

Click below to hear a two-minute audio narrative about the crabapple collection.

F.R. Newman Arboretum, north of the ponds
Best Season: 

May, Sept. - Oct.