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Plantations displays "gorge garbage" during Earth Day celebration

8 years 45 weeks ago

As part of Cornell's Earth Day Celebration on Ho Plaza, Plantations staff felt it was the ideal place to "show off" garbage that was removed from campus gorges. With the help of the student group "Friends of the Gorges," we coordinated clean-up events during the week leading up to Earth Day and seven student groups participated. Two large truckloads of trash were removed including grills, a leather couch, and countless glass bottles, most of which was displayed on Ho Plaza.

Stunned expressions and comments like, "I can't believe that all came from the gorges" from people who passed by the truckload of trash proved our mission was accomplished. We hope it leads to less garbage ending up in the gorges each year.
If the truckload of garbage was not enough to attract people, a life-size cardboard cutout of Stephen Colbert and the Big Red Bear was! In Stephen Colbert style, several groups were put "On Notice" including People Who Trash the Gorges, Bears (except Big Red), and Harvard Hockey.

Learn more about the Friends of the Gorges and how you can get involved here.